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461-Encan Bruneau en ligne Surplus

  Status: Closed
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Internet-only (timed) auction


Encan Bruneau En Ligne


332 B St-Paul, Repentigny, Quebec, J5Z4H9. CANADA. tel: 450-704-2900

21st Jan, 2025
Ended: 28th Jan, 2025
View: Quebec Auctions
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Bidding Notice: SOYEZ RESPONSABLE DE VOS MISES (remportez = achetez + venir chercher DANS LES TEMPS) _ INSPECTION: Toute la semaine selon notre horaire / All week, see our schedule _ ACQUISITION; Max 15 jours - 15 days Max (332b St-Paul, Repentigny). Vous serez contact par courriel si vous avez gagn. SVP, arrivez l'heure pour acqurir vos articles et prvoyez les fournitures et l'aide supplmentaire adquate si ncessaire. Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de garder les articles aprs l'heure et la date de ramassage prvue./ You will be contacted by email if you win. Please arrive on time for pick up, with supplies and additional help if needed. We are not able to hold items past the pick up time and date._QUESTIONS? : bruneau.sms@hotmail.comAuction Notice: FERMETURE DOUCE: la fin de l'encan, chaque nouvelle mise repoussera le moment de la fermeture de 2 minutes supplmentaires et chacun des lots se ferme 10 sec. d'intervalle. ***Un ralentissement peut se produire aux dernires 30 minutes d un achalandage plus dense, il est dconseill dattendre la fin pour entrer vos mises.***Les alertes de surenchres ne sont plus actives 1h avant la fermeture, suivez donc en direct! _ SOFTCLOSE: at the end of the auction, each new bids will report the closing time of 2 additional minutes. ***A slowdown may occur at the last 30 minutes due to dense traffic, it is not advisable to wait until the last minutes to enter your bids.***The outbids alert are not available for the last hour before the end, better to follow live!

Page 1 of 4
Lot 1

Manne linge

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Lot 2


search for items like this
Lot 3

2 Coffres en bois

search for items like this
Lot 4

Arche gothique 16'' x 23''

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Lot 5

Porte cl

search for items like this
Lot 6


search for items like this
Lot 7

Nappe en lin

search for items like this
Lot 8

Lot de centres de table neuf

search for items like this
Lot 9

Appareil mini-air

search for items like this
Lot 10

Appareil mdical

search for items like this
Lot 11

Appareil pour le manucure, trs propre

search for items like this
Lot 12

Assiette bleu

search for items like this
Lot 13


search for items like this
Lot 14

L'art d'crire

search for items like this
Lot 15

Pice en os

search for items like this
Lot 16


search for items like this
Lot 17

Salire et poivrire en inox

search for items like this
Lot 18


search for items like this
Lot 19


search for items like this
Lot 20

2 Livres

search for items like this
Lot 21

Coffret disques vinyle

search for items like this
Lot 22

Sac de couchage

search for items like this
Lot 23

Tuque Play boy

search for items like this
Lot 24

Filtre neuf

search for items like this
Lot 25

Caisse en bois

search for items like this
Lot 26

3 Livres

search for items like this
Lot 27

Cartes fiches de moto et avion

search for items like this
Lot 28

Plat de cuisson

search for items like this
Lot 29

2 Gants de Baseball

search for items like this
Lot 30

3 Revues adulte

search for items like this
Lot 31

Die cast Corvette

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Lot 32


search for items like this
Lot 33


search for items like this
Lot 34

Livret coquin

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Lot 35

Livret coquin

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Lot 36


search for items like this
Lot 37

Livres de chansons

search for items like this
Lot 38

Livres d'auto

search for items like this
Lot 39

Plaque en plastique

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Lot 40


search for items like this
Lot 41


search for items like this
Lot 42

Tasse visage

search for items like this
Lot 43

Lot de 50 cadres divers,peinture sur toile et autr

search for items like this
Lot 44


search for items like this
Lot 45

Lampe berger

search for items like this
Lot 46


search for items like this
Lot 47

Livre Nostradamus

search for items like this
Lot 48


search for items like this
Lot 49

Chandail Gr. S

search for items like this
Lot 50


search for items like this
Lot 51


search for items like this
Lot 52

Auto artisanal en mtal, art populaire

search for items like this
Lot 53


search for items like this
Lot 54

Coffre bijoux

search for items like this
Lot 55

Correcteur d'oignon de pied, neuf

search for items like this
Lot 56

2 Livres de kilo cardio

search for items like this
Lot 57

Sac de couchage style militaire

search for items like this
Lot 58

Couverture en laine

search for items like this
Lot 59

Figurine diverse

search for items like this
Lot 60

Grille pain fonctionel

search for items like this
Lot 61


search for items like this
Lot 62

Pot en verre avec robinet

search for items like this
Lot 63

Clip board

search for items like this
Lot 64

Panier en mtal

search for items like this
Lot 65

Attrappe moustique

search for items like this
Lot 66

Bol en plastique

search for items like this
Lot 67

Tamis en mtal

search for items like this
Lot 68

Pare-soleil pour auto

search for items like this
Lot 69


search for items like this
Lot 70


search for items like this
Lot 71

Album spirou scell

search for items like this
Lot 72

Livre de qualit

search for items like this
Lot 73

Livre de timbre Canada, 2000-2004 et 2006

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Lot 74

Appareil Live, non test

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Lot 75

2 Bras d'appuie en aluminium

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Lot 76

The singing, allume

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Lot 77


search for items like this
Lot 78


search for items like this
Lot 79

Petits livres

search for items like this
Lot 80


search for items like this
Lot 81

Lot d'querres tablette

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Lot 82


search for items like this
Lot 83

Chandelle 2 tonnes

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Lot 84


search for items like this
Lot 85


search for items like this
Lot 86

Ruban mesurer

search for items like this
Lot 87

Ensemble incomplet

search for items like this
Lot 88

Cadre 12'' x 12''

search for items like this
Lot 89

2 Rehausseurs

search for items like this
Lot 90

Sac de couchage

search for items like this
Lot 91

Panier en mtal

search for items like this
Lot 92

Haut parleur

search for items like this
Lot 93


search for items like this
Lot 94

Cravates et autre

search for items like this
Lot 95

Porte fichier vintage

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Lot 96

Articles pour le vin

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Lot 97

Selles de vlo

search for items like this
Lot 98

Tapette lectrique

search for items like this
Lot 99

Livre de qualit

search for items like this
Lot 100

2 Petits bancs

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